A screenshot I took of "Totality" at 7:09 A.M. EDT taken from the live webcast from China at the ExplOratorium website:
"On August 1, 2008, a total solar eclipse will occur as the new moon moves directly between the sun and the earth. The moon’s umbral shadow will fall on parts of Canada, Greenland, the Arctic Ocean, Russia, Mongolia, and China. The Exploratorium’s eclipse expedition team (our fifth!) will Webcast the eclipse live from the remote Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in northwestern China near the Mongolian border."
Another live screenshot I captured at 7:45 A.M. from NASA TV webcast with beautiful reds and cloud shadows. There was a lot of cloud cover for this solar eclipse this morning. But like a miracle they parted with barely a minute to go to "totality" and you could hear the crowd cheer as the eclipse came into full view and went total. Gorgeous and spiritual.
To read the astrological aspects of today's total solar eclipse, Leo rising for the eastern USA, please go visit my favorite astrologer Robert Wilkinson at Aquarius Papers - Global Astrology. His post: The Solar Eclipse of August 1, 2008 - Long Range Transfiguration, Tears of Joy is packed with excellent information, as always.
A new site went up this week called Michigan Demands Representationfor us Michigan disenfranchised voters. They have a couple of petitions to sign, one for Michigan residents or one for national support citizens, to "tell the DNC that no one has the right to take away your vote". Their front page mission statement says in part:
Michigan Demands Representation (MDR) is a grassroots organization formed to protect the voting rights of Michigan citizens. We are not affiliated with any political organization. We received no funding from any corporate, political, or special interest group. We are a group of concerned voters who are outraged that our civil liberties are being violated. We, as Michiganders, must send a message to our elected officials that we will no longer sit idle and allow our voting rights to be abused and ignored. Any voter, regardless of party affiliation, should be concerned. This is a civil liberties issue, not a campaign or candidate issue.
It is a sister site to Florida Demands Representation [FDR]. Loving h/t to No Quarter for bringing this much needed new Michigan site to our attention. Please go over to MDR and sign the petition.
Humor Has It... that the DNC is broke dick. Imagine that. The dickheads are broke. They've dissed and ignored just about everyone in sight and wonder why we're going to take a long vacation from donating or voting for them this year? Well us PUMA's have very good reasons that we've been pinching our pennies. From them. It sure is keeping the DNC in a real No Deal pinch.
Our fine friends over at Just Say No Deal action page found a site that will help you decide what to do with all those return envelopes for desperate donations they've been sending out to anything that moves. Or on all those donor lists they've been wasting money on buying up. If you've been looking for a creative way to tell them what you'll be doing all summer here's a travel brochure for you to Check Out:
Introducing Operation "Donation Vacation" Have you received a request from the DNC for Donations? Do you feel like you have been ignored? Take a "Donation Vacation". Join in on the protest and send them this check for nothing to:
The Democratic National Committee 430 S. Capitol St. SE Washington, D.C. 20003
Drive on over to the new site DNC Boycott (I prefer "Boyzcott" of course), read the rest, do your duty and download your blank check to send to the DNC. Tell the zeros at the DNC thanks a lot for nothing. Please note that you may have to change the graphic file extention from PNG to a JPG or GIF so that it will print properly. Get on the road for your Donation Vacation today!
If you happen to be from Michigan or Florida I would suggest doing what many have done already. Rip the check in half to make a point about our disenfranchisement and half vote status.
A new coalition has formed this week called Just Say No Deal in reaction to the subversion of democracy committed by the Democratic Party that we have witnessed in this 2008 election year. We are aghast to discover they pre-selected and then pushed a flawed, unqualified, inexperienced, opportunist, no substance candidate down our throats by hook & crook tactics. Behind closed doors and against the will of the majority of We the People. I'm having none of it.
I too Just Say No Deal. Please go sign up at their new site and tell the DNC and the world: NObama. In no time flat they've had over 80+ sites join up and it is swiftly growing by the day. PUMA Power is roaring our displeasure. Millions of us will be heard before this fall. And go give our fine Ladies over at Hireheels.com some love for helping to put the Just Say No Deal website together. It's impressive how fast it has spread and gotten the media attention we need.
I've known since before we had our primary in Michigan on Jan 15th that I can never vote for Obama. The very person who made our primary more of a nightmare than it already was by deliberately removing his name from our ballot and talking half of the other guys into going along with him to diminish and attempt to invalidate Hillary Clinton's substantial lead and her win in my state. As the months have worn on it became clear there were many unsavory connections, aspects, and traits to Obama that we weren't aware of until this election cycle. America needs the competent candidate and that is Hillary Clinton.
We must Just Say No Deal. No Dice. No Chance. NObama.
Apparently the DNC & RBC thinks the voters in Michigan and Florida only have half a brain left too. Are we supposed to be using our left brain or right brain now? Are we going to suffer phantom itches where the other half of our vote is supposed to be? It is too late for Dr. Dean to fix this up. We're not voter crash test dummies.
Update: Saw this cartoon on a blog, it perfectly captures how the DNC managed to make us MI & FL voters less than 3/5ths of a vote. Heckava job HowieCo, eh. I find it amazing that after this year's total clusterfuck that the DNC thinks I would trust them ever again. Much less bother to risk my vote being once again subverted or vote for them in any future primary. As it is the GE for this year is up in the air for me unless Hillary Clinton wins the nomination at the convention. I'm solidly in the millions saying NOBama. This Michigan voter won't ever vote for him. No Deal. No backing down. No dice. No chance.
Humor Has It... that the Rules and Bylaws Committee of the DNC thinks we are going to let them get away with breaking their own rules, fraud, unfair reflection, and vote stealing, all scott free. Not while I'm living and breathing here in Michigan. NO!, HELL NO!, and OH HELL NO!
The infamous meeting on May 31, 2008 was a complete farce. But I do understand why the "votes" were allowed to go through to screw over both Michigan and Florida. I suspect there were enough people on the committee that thought if these idiots want to push insane and unethical resolutions that go completely against the Democratic voting principles well then let us just get them officially on record. The legal stepping stone to the coming downfall of the DNC.
After this travesty of justice Harold Ickes and Tina Flournoy made the following statement for Senator Hillary Clinton:
Today’s results are a victory for the people of Florida who will have a voice in selecting our Party’s nominee and will see its delegates seated at our party’s convention. The decision by the Rules and Bylaws Committee honors the votes that were cast by the people of Florida and allocates the delegates accordingly.
We strongly object to the Committee’s decision to undercut its own rules in seating Michigan’s delegates without reflecting the votes of the people of Michigan.
The Committee awarded to Senator Obama not only the delegates won by Uncommitted, but four of the delegates won by Senator Clinton. This decision violates the bedrock principles of our democracy and our Party.
We reserve the right to challenge this decision before the Credentials Committee and appeal for a fair allocation of Michigan’s delegates that actually reflect the votes as they were cast.
I'll be posting much more about this as the summer wears on. And we will take this to the convention in Denver. You didn't count my valid vote but you can count on this.
"...After all, they are only BIRDS.....Just BIRDS"
Obama got his ass kicked 6 ways to Sunday in the latest debate held Wednesday night on ABC, and not just by Hillary this time. For the first time evah he was finally nailed with some hard questions, questions that America (except for his followers) have been wondering about. Instead of getting his pillow fluffed and constantly adjusted while the waving palm fronds waft a cool breeze over him on CNN and MSNBC: you know, his Free Campaign Networks & Advertising Coalition. Now he's wailing that ain't Wright. !
The next day he had a full hissy fit and once again attacked Hillary, and by making more than just disparaging remarks. He's claiming Hillary scratched him I guess, oh how horrible. Just Words.. Just Birds. Watch this short clip:
Piper over at Seat Our Delegates.com has been working hard on a petition for weeks to count our Michigan & Florida votes and to seat our delegates. The goal is to gather at least 50,000 signatures and deliver the petition by June to the DNC in Washington D.C.
We, the Black Sheep Delegation of the Democratic party, demand that the Democratic National Committee recognize the results of Florida's and Michigan's primaries and seat our delegates at the 2008 Democratic National Convention.
On January 15, 2008, 572,129 Michigan Democrats voted in the Democratic primary even though two of the three frontrunners for the nomination had voluntarily pulled their names from the ballot.
On January 29, 2008, 1.7 million Floridians voted in the Democratic primary despite being told repeatedly that their votes wouldn't count.
We voted in record numbers because we are deeply concerned about the future of our country. We are thinking about the economy, national security, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, energy independence, the environment, and health care. We are not concerned with primary schedules. We are private citizens, and we are not responsible for the tug-of-war between the state Democratic parties and the DNC. We demand that our votes be counted now before the primary season ends. We will not be subjected to another vote or a caucus.
UPDATED ON MARCH 20, 2008: A 50-50 split of delegates is also unacceptable.
Howard Dean's "50-state strategy" was credited with returning the House and Senate to the Democrats in 2006. Do not leave Florida and Michigan voters out in 2008. Count our votes now, or don't count on us to vote in November.
Please go sign the petition here: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/seatourdelegates/ and leave a comment to let the DNC know how you feel about disenfranchising our votes from 2 important swing states in the GE. Let them know it is completely unacceptable to rip two stars from our flag with this harmful 48 state strategy.
I've teamed up with Piper and helped her build a new blog to go with her website and give people a place to comment further here: Seat Our Delegates Blog. Stop by anytime, we'd love to hear from you.
Please visit the new blog and let us know what you think about this current mess that Howard Dean, Donna Brazile, Ralph Dawson, and David McDonald from the DNC have done to our states when they decided it was "okay" to go 100% nuclear on MI & FL, but let NH, NV, and SC leapfrog their primary dates up with zero punishment.
Note: Help us to gather more signatures in your local area no matter where you live. Print it out here: Download Petition [PDF] Go to this page for the address to mail the petition signatures to us, and for more information on contacting the DNC: How To Help
IndyRobin spent a month producing her first YouTube video for her new ShutTheFreudUp Productions. She had the excellent tech help of GeekLove and many people sending in trillions of examples of the insidious Sexism and Misogyny in our so called news "media" and websites. Against our first viable presidential candidate Senator Hillary Clinton in particular, and all women in general. They could easily make a movie with this huge amount of material shown. I don't have to imagine what was on the cutting room floor, we've had to watch it all go down and suffer through it all along. Our media, no matter the venue, are some depraved sick fucks and we're past mad as hell.
They have compiled a shocker of a tip of the iceberg video. It went viral immediately as we knew it would. As of my last check this morning it has been viewed 94,889 times since its release just 3 days ago on April 6th, picked up all over, and reports of ABC News noticing it. Please watch it and let the media know this is not acceptable in any way:
Going through my blogroll last night checking for more sexist idiots or Clinton Derangement Syndrome (CDS) assholes to purge I came upon this post by Howie over at Down With Tyranny revealing to us that he is another Sexist Blozo:
SHOULD McCAIN'S VIOLENT TEMPER DISQUALIFY HIM FROM THE PRESIDENCY? In general I'd say yes. But some of the specifics are less than convincing. So what if he routinely humiliates women as a matter of normal operating procedure? Some women love being humiliated. You know that whole flap about calling his wife Cindy a "trollop and a cunt" for pointing out his thinning hair in front of some newspaper reporters? Maybe she deserved that and maybe she should be happy he didn't slug her. After all, he does slug people. I mean when he really flies off the handle, like when someone points out his age-- which he's apparently even more sensitive about than his baldness. But here, too, I'm not all that concerned. I mean... so he and Rick Renzi slapped each other a few times. So? Rick Renzi is a pompous dick and he certainly deserves to be beaten up. McCain should have punched him around every day. (snip) posted by DownWithTyranny @ 10:57 AM
You've got to be fucking kidding Howie if you think disgusting sexist statements like that are acceptable. They are not. In reporting a statement that may have been made by McCain years ago you seem to think it's OK to make more sexist statements about his wife, and all women by extention? Sexism is the reason you won't find me ridiculing women like Michelle Malkin or Ann Coulter or making nasty graphics about them, just because they are female, on my blog no matter what political party they belong to or how much I disagree with them. We get more than plenty of that from your ilk. Our Left Blogistan is a misogynistic disgrace as much as Freeperville on the Right. Well I AM concerned. Very much concerned I yanked you off my blogroll and removed the Blue America promotions in my sidebars. You deserve to be shunned. Us ladies are perfectly capable of discerning who we want to support whether it is in the blogosphere or our candidates. Without your kind of "maleviews". Thankfully a real man, Skippy the Bush Kangaroo, that has been speaking out against the sexism and misogyny noticed your despicable ramblings and left the first of only 2 comments on the thread:
At 5:35 PM, skippy said...
i hope to hell that's satire.
you can't be serious that a woman deserves to be called a "cunt" for pointing out that a bald guy is bald.
Thanks Skippy! Considering Howie didn't respond I think we all know Howie wasn't practicing any satire to speak of. We appreciate the fact you pointed that out to him that it better be. Skippy can come party with us at our table anytime.