Just Say No Deal
A new coalition has formed this week called Just Say No Deal in reaction to the subversion of democracy committed by the Democratic Party that we have witnessed in this 2008 election year. We are aghast to discover they pre-selected and then pushed a flawed, unqualified, inexperienced, opportunist, no substance candidate down our throats by hook & crook tactics. Behind closed doors and against the will of the majority of We the People. I'm having none of it.
I too Just Say No Deal. Please go sign up at their new site and tell the DNC and the world: NObama. In no time flat they've had over 80+ sites join up and it is swiftly growing by the day. PUMA Power is roaring our displeasure. Millions of us will be heard before this fall. And go give our fine Ladies over at Hireheels.com some love for helping to put the Just Say No Deal website together. It's impressive how fast it has spread and gotten the media attention we need.
I've known since before we had our primary in Michigan on Jan 15th that I can never vote for Obama. The very person who made our primary more of a nightmare than it already was by deliberately removing his name from our ballot and talking half of the other guys into going along with him to diminish and attempt to invalidate Hillary Clinton's substantial lead and her win in my state. As the months have worn on it became clear there were many unsavory connections, aspects, and traits to Obama that we weren't aware of until this election cycle. America needs the competent candidate and that is Hillary Clinton.
We must Just Say No Deal. No Dice. No Chance. NObama.
just say no deal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mz8AuAAyRY8
Here's my new video for joining Just Say No Deal. It summarizes in Obama's words many of the reasons why we cannot vote for Obama.
NO DEAL: Join The Coalition of Millions
Since the video went up Monday morning, it's had over 4,000 views. People are realizing that they are not alone. Please help spread the video.
If you post it on your site, PLEASE ask your readers to: RATE the video, post a COMMENT & mark it as a FAVORITE on YouTube, these actions will help further promote the video and perhaps reach a larger audience.
GeekLove at
Thanks Geeklove! Love your videos. I just went and gave it 5 stars and marked it as a Fave. I'll get it posted here for sure.
Check out Bonnie Erbe's article on Obama's Fundraising Hypocrisy
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