Friday, September 22, 2006 

Annular Solar Eclipse Sept 22 & New Moon in Virgo

New Moon in Virgo
Friday, September 22, 2006
7:45am EDT
29º 20'

Annular Solar Eclipse
7:51am EDT
29º 23'

I grabbed a couple of screen shots above from the klipsi eclipse webcam this morning before they went to a four screen live simulation of the partial eclipse. I've searched for an actual live streaming webcast like I watched last spring on March 29th from Turkey of a spectacular total solar eclipse, but to no avail. The link I found at the NASA site for the University of North Dakota webcast did not work. Here you can read more about the New Moon in Virgo.

From the NASA Eclipse Home Page for today's eclipse:

On Friday, 2006 September 22, an annular eclipse of the Sun will be visible from within a narrow corridor which traverses half the Earth. The path of the Moon's antumbral shadow begins in northern South America and crosses the South Atlantic with no further landfall. A partial eclipse will be seen from a much larger region including South America, the eastern Caribbean, western Africa, and Antarctica.

The path of the annular eclipse begins in Guyana at 09:48 UT when the Moon's antumbral shadow meets Earth and forms a 323 kilometre wide corridor. Guyana's capitol city Georgetown lies just a few kilometres outside the path's northern limit. Here, a magnitude 0.920 partial eclipse will be seen at sunrise. On the central line 160 kilometres south, the duration of annularity is 5 minutes 31 seconds.

Rushing east, the antumbra quickly enters Surinam where its capital city Paramaribo lies deep within the antumbral path. Maximum eclipse in Paramaribo occurs at 09:51 UT, the Sun's altitude is 5° and the duration of annularity is 5 minutes 1 seconds. Continuing into French Guiana, the capitol city Cayenne stands just 10 kilometres south of the central line. Maximum eclipse occurs at 09:53 UT as the Sun stands 8° above the eastern horizon during an annular phase lasting 5 minutes 42 seconds.

The southern edge of the antumbra briefly clips the north coast of Brazil before spending the next three and a half hours sweeping across the South Atlantic. Greatest eclipse occurs at 11:40:11 UT. The annular duration is 7 minutes 9 seconds, the path width is 261 kilometres and the Sun is 66° above the featureless horizon of the open ocean. The central track runs south of the African continent and nearly reaches Kerguelen Island before ending at local sunset (13:31 UT). During its 3 hour 40 minute flight across our planet, the Moon's antumbra travels about 13,800 kilometres and covers 0.83% of Earth's surface area.

Annular eclipse path image from

Sunday, September 10, 2006 

Mickey Mouse says Bill Clinton is Satan!

Over at Kos a diary went up with 6 leaked clips from Disney/ABC's "Path to Propaganda 9/11" fantasy movie, from a fundie site called Traditional Values that we weren't allowed to peek at like they were. The Traditional Values folk seem to like to celebrate death and destruction. They are proud of Mickey Mouse slandering and lying about an ex President boys and girls. Here's three screen shots I took from clip #6:

Taking target practice at a movie playing of Clinton. Mickey Mouse loves this shot.

Celebrating how much Mickey Mouse will love this gun raising up that's supposed to be pointed at the ground like my dad the master sharp shooter taught me at the Navy shooting range on gun saftey when I was growing up.

Here Mickey Mouse screams to the world: CLINTON IS SATAN!

I could have taken at least a dozen screen shots of that last shot across the bow as there were so many frames available. Now Mickey, where are the frames calling Bush the AntiChrist?

Saturday, September 09, 2006 

Trailer for 9-11: Press For Truth

Jennifer Nix over at Firedoglake has this to say:

With the help of MediaChannel, we can also offer an alternative to ABC’s Path to Shame on Sunday and Monday nights. Director David Olson tells me they will offer up, for free viewing, the entire film "9/11 Press for Truth," which was just released this week. Without $40 million in corporate backing, this film needs the support of the netroots to help provide a balance to ABC’s airbrushing of history. The filmmakers deserve our support, as they’ve done the hard work of bringing to the screen the voices of the 9/11 families, and synthesized more than 7000 media reports with the help of Paul Thompson, author of The Complete 9/11 Timeline. Let’s do all we can to get the netroots driving traffic to MediaChannel this weekend to watch this movie.

On Monday, in Washington, DC, the "9/11 Press for Truth" filmmakers and the 9/11 families will hold a press conference at the National Press Club, too, launching a campaign calling for a new investigation. Tell the media to go! From the film’s producers:

Polls now show that a majority of Americans support a new investigation. “Once again,” says producer Kyle Hence, “the 9/11 families will play a crucial role in galvanizing the public’s will to confront a combative administration, a pliant Congress and an apathetic media corps that has studiously avoided dealing with countervailing facts, inconvenient evidence and excessive secrecy. The message these families bring must be heard, loud and clear. They deserve answers.”

A lobbying campaign calling for a new investigation will be launched on September 5th, the day of DVD release, and continue into the week of September 11th, during which every member of Congress will receive a copy of the documentary.

In the comments Millineryman says:

Good Morning America does a Top 5 of You Tube views on Wednesday morning, let’s get the 9-11 Press for Truth trailer up there followed by 4 anti disney videos. See how they handle that.

Please watch the YouTube trailer of Press For Truth as many times as possible and see if we can get it into the top five. Click on my title or anywhere on the YouTube to go get the code to embed it in your blogs. Email it (click on the Share button on the video) to all your friends and family.