Saturday, May 20, 2006
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Net Neutrality - Save The Internet

Please join the Fight for Internet Freedom at: Save The Internet
Join Save The Bloggers :
"A corps of bloggers are mobilizing to win the campaign for Internet freedom. Sign up here to join with other bloggers, be kept in the loop and take action"
Sign Petitions and take more Civic Action at: Move
Pachacutec has updates on more breaking news and civic action steps at FDL.
UPDATE: Congressman Ed Markey (D-MA) has introduced The Network Neutrality Act of 2006. You can read his full speech at his website HERE.
Download the The Markey Network Neutrality Act of 2006 (63.46 KB)
Monday, May 01, 2006
Stephen Colbert - The Sharpest Knife in the Drawer

graphic by darkblack
Humor Has It... that Stephen Colbert skinned 'em alive without leaving a hair on them at the WH Correspondants' Association Dinner, all 33% of the Bush "backwash". The rest of us licked our lips. It was delicious. Chef Colbert out did himself dishing it out with flair, liberally grinding the pepper mill in all the right places to perfection.
Go over to the new blog Thank You Stephen Colbert and add your name to the thousands and thousands of satisfied customers.
A good Re-Improved Colbert transcript can be found in a diary at Kos.
A clip of Colbert's routine can be seen at Crook and Liars.
UPDATE 5/4/06: I had to remove the clips from YouTube, according to their site they were taken down for copyright infringement from using the clip. Thankfully another taped clip of Colbert’s full speech at the WH Correspondents’ Dinner found HERE (total time 24:27).
May Lunation Charts for Washington, DC

Here's the May Lunations charts for Washington, DC. Click on the image above for a close up view. You may right click to save and download.
- The Full Flower Moon is May 13th
- The New Moon is May 27th.
The graphic below is the general Void of Course Moon periods for EDT. Click on the image for a close up view. If you are in the time zones to the west subtract hours accordingly from eastern time, the aspects remain the same. I'll be posting these at the beginning of each month.